NHC Lifetime Research and Service Award
Every two years, the National HAB Committee solicits nominations for up to two recipients of the NHC Lifetime Research and Service Award. This award recognizes and honors individuals who, throughout their careers, have significantly advanced the science and awareness of harmful algal blooms in the United States through their research achievements or their service, education, and outreach efforts to students, federal and state leaders, and the general public. Any member of the US HAB community including, but not limited to, academic researchers, managers, state and federal employees and tribal members are eligible for this award. An emphasis in selection will be given to individuals whose work is recognized for its scientific importance and/or contributions to HAB management and mitigation, and who have a long and outstanding record of contribution. Prior to the formal initiation of this award, members of the community were honored and recognized on an informal, ad-hoc basis. Nominees for this award are now solicited and selected by the NHC, and the recipients are recognized and honored at the US HAB Symposium.
2022 NHC Lifetime Research and Service Award Recipient
Hans Paerl
Kenan Distinguished Professor
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Institute of Marine Sciences
Nomination Letter
2019 NHC Lifetime Research and Service Award Recipients
Don Anderson
Senior Scientist
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Nomination Letter