Interactive Graphics and 3D Models
Harmful algal blooms can be used to illustrate important concepts in biology, ecology, marine science, data analysis, and more. See below for materials that educators can incorporate into curriculum including interactive online resources as well as 3D model files of phytoplankton.

Algal Life Cycles
WHOI produced these interactive graphics to allow students to explore the life stages of several important HAB species:

Alexandrium catenella
Click HERE to download the .stl 3D model file.
- Alexandrium catenella is a well known HAB that produces saxitoxins and is responsible for Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP).
- This model was created by Céline Lyaudet with support from the Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health (WHCOHH).

Click HERE to download the .stl 3D model file.
- Chaetoceros is very common diatom genus that is found marine waters worldwide.
- This model was generated by Dr. Jeffery Krause for DISL and can also be found on

Click HERE to download the stl file.
- Dinophysis is a dinoflagellate genus that causes Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP).
- This model was created by Céline Lyaudet with support from the Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health (WHCOHH).

Click HERE to download the stl file.
- Dolichospermum is a genus of cyanobacteria that an be found worldwide in freshwater assemblages of phytoplankton. Some Dolichospermum blooms can be toxic.
- This model was created by Céline Lyaudet with support from the Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health (WHCOHH).

Click HERE to download the stl file.
- Gambierdiscus is a benthic dinoflagellate genus that produce sciguatoxins responsible for Ciguatera Poisoning.
- This model was created by Céline Lyaudet with support from the Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health (WHCOHH).

Karenia brevis
Click HERE to download the stl file.
- Karenia brevis is a bloom forming dinoflagellate species that is responsible for causing Florida Red Tide.
- This model was developed by Dr. Jeffery Krause for DISL and can also be found on

Click HERE to download the stl file.
- Margalefidinium is often known as “rust tide” and the blooms it produces can be harmful to fish, shellfish, and zooplankton.
- This model was created by Céline Lyaudet with support from the Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health (WHCOHH).

Click HERE to download the stl file.
- Pseudo-nitzschia is a widely distributed genus of marine diatoms including toxic and non-toxic species. The toxic species are known for causing Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP) in humans, domoic acid poisoning in wildlife.
- This model was developed by Dr. Jeffery Krause for DISL and can also be found on

(formerly know as Ceratium)
Click HERE to download the stl file.
- This model was developed by Dr. Jeffery Krause for DISL and can also be found on