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HAB Event Response Program

The National HAB Office administers the HAB Event Response Program in cooperation with NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science.  This program provides immediate support to help state, tribal, and local officials manage events and advance the understanding of HABs as they occur. Depending on need, the program may support or provide access to toxin analysis, data collection, training, technical assistance, and ship-based sampling. Modest funding is available to help defray the costs of immediate mobilization of response efforts.

During the past few years, this program has funded response efforts for multiple unexpected or unique HAB events.  These projects were located across the country in response to both coastal and freshwater blooms, and included: studies to evaluate cyanobacterial bloom impacts in the northern Gulf of Mexico, investigation of the potential contribution of algal toxins to multispecies wildlife mortalities in the Norton Sound region of Alaska, monitoring activities in Lake Pontchartrain in Louisiana to assess the concentration and toxicity of harmful cyanobacteria blooms in the vicinity of areas used for recreation, and assessment of airborne toxins associated with intensive Microcystis blooms in the tidal Caloosahatchee River and adjoining canals around Cape Coral, FL.

Summaries of HAB Event Response activities funded by this program over the past decade are listed below. Information on how to apply for HAB Event Response support can be accessed on the NCCOS Response and Readiness for HAB Events webpage.


For more information or to inquire about funding support, email the HAB Event Response Program.

Past HAB Event Response Efforts: