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U.S. National Office for Harmful Algal Blooms Releases National Science Strategy for Harmful Algal Research and Response

The U.S. National Office for Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) has released a comprehensive national science strategy outlining a decade-long roadmap aimed at enhancing our understanding, monitoring, and management of HABs. “HARRNESS 2024-2034: Harmful Algal Research and Response, A National Environmental Science Strategy” defines the magnitude, scope, and diversity of the HAB problem in United States’ marine, brackish and freshwaters; addresses knowledge gaps; strengthens coordination among agencies, stakeholders, and partners; advances the development of effective research and management solutions; and builds resilience to address the broad range of HAB impacts to vulnerable communities and ecosystems in the USA.

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Upcoming Conferences and Events

Interested in attending upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, or other events related to HAB science? A timeline of  events of interest to the HAB community is available on the US HAB website, and updated periodically.  Please click  HERE to view the timeline & current listings, which are updated periodically. If you wish to post a meeting or event, please contact 

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Proceedings of the the Workshop on the Socio-economic Effects of Harmful Algal Blooms in the United States

The proceedings document describing the Workshop on the Socio-economic Effects of Harmful Algal Blooms in the United States is now available here. The report documents the proceedings of a 2020 workshop convened by NOAA NCCOS and the U.S. National Office for HABs, and presents recommendations to advance an assessment framework and a national research agenda that will lead to comprehensive evaluations of the social and economic effects of HABs in the fresh (primarily the Great Lakes) and marine waters of the United States.

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Conferences, meetings, workshops, and other events

A timeline of upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, and other events of interest to the HAB community is available under the “Resources” menu of this website. Information regarding events that have been rescheduled due to COVID-19 will be posted as it becomes available. Click here for more information.

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New article collection for the Algal Research Community: Algal Research and Harmful Algae Partner with Data in Brief

Data in Brief is partnering with Algal Research and Harmful Algae to publish an ongoing article collection of data announcements called  “Algal Announcements,” which will include: (1) announcements of harmful algal blooms, and (2) announcements of new algal strains; objective is to provide freely available info benefiting researchers, policymakers, entrepreneurs, water managers, engineers, etc. Additional…

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Additional article categories in Harmful Algae

The journal Harmful Algae has recently expanded the types of articles it is soliciting to include several short communication categories: Policy Analysis; Mini-Reviews; Perspectives, in addition to original research articles, review papers, and book reviews.

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2020 Course on Identification of US HABs – cancelled

The Provasoli-Guillard National Center for Marine Algae and Microbiota (NCMA) has cancelled the 5th U.S. training course on the identification of harmful algae in the U.S. marine waters, which was to be offered from August 19-29, 2020. Information about the course can be found HERE. We will post an update when the course has been rescheduled.

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